Parent Library

Below is our list of the books that we are making available for you to borrow. You may take books out for a month at a time and extend it to another month if another parent has not requested it. If you would like to borrow a book, email us and we will get it to you within a day or two. Please try to remember to return the book when it is due—it will save us time! Thank you.


A Mind At a Time Levine, Mel MD Examines learning styles and teaching to strengths
Absorbent Mind, The Montessori, Maria Education
Art, Mind, and Brain Gardner, Howard Creativity
At Home with Montessori Oriti, Patricia Parenting, Montessori in the home
Between Parent & Child Ginott, Haim G. Parenting
Bringing Up a Moral Child Schulman, M. & Mekler, E.  Parenting
Child in the Family Montessori, Maria Early childhood, parenting
Creativity Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly Flow and the Psychology of Discovery and Invention
Discovery of the Child, The Montessori, Maria Early Childhood, education
Dumbing Us Down Gatto, John Taylor Education, school reform
Education for a New World Montessori, Maria Education, peace
Encouraging Children to Learn Kinkmeyer, Don & Dreikurs, Rudolf Learning, teaching
Endangered Minds Healy, Jane M. Learning, psychology of
Evolution’s End Pearce, Joseph Chilton Claiming the Potential of Our Intelligence
Extraordinary Minds Gardner, Howard Portraits of 4 Exceptional Individuals and our own extraordinariness
Flow Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly The Psychology of Optimal Experience
Formation of Man, The Montessori, Maria Education
Frames of Mind Gardner, Howard Multiple intelligences
From Childhood to Adolescence Montessori, Maria Education, elementary, adolescents
Grasp of Consciousness, The Piaget, Jean Child psychology
Having of Wonderful Ideas, The Duckworth, Eleanor Teaching, learning, Piaget
Hold On To Your Kids Neufield, Gordon & Mate, Gordon MD  Importance of parents over peers
Horace’s Compromise Sizer, Theodore School reform, high school
How to Talk So Kids Will Listen Faber, A. & Mazlish, E. Parenting
Hurried Child,  The Elkind, David Child mental health, stress
Illiterate America Kozol, Jonathan Literacy, U.S.
In the Middle Atwell, Nacie Adolescents
In Their Own Way Armstrong, Thomas  Discovering and Encouraging Your Child Personal Learning Style
Magical Child Pearce, Joseph Chilton Early childhood
Montessori Elementary Material, The Montessori, Maria Education, elementary
Montessori From the Start Lillard, Paula Polk & Jessen, Lynn Lillard The Child at Home From Birth to Age Three 
Montessori: A Modern Approach Lillard, Paula Polk Montessori introduction
Montessori and Your Child Malloy, Terry Parenting
Montessori: The Science Behind the Genius Lillard, Angeline Stoll Links Montessori concepts and current scientific research
Parent’s Guide to a Montessori Classroom Wolf, Aline D. Montessori materials
Peaceful Children, Peaceful World Wolf, Aline D. Montessori
Pedagogy of the Oppressed Freire, Paulo Literacy, third world
Positive Discipline in the Classroom Nelsen, Jane et al. Classroom management
Preschool in the Suzuki Spirit Grilli, Susan Education
Punished By Rewards Kohn, Alfie The Trouble with Gold Stars…
Raising Cain Kindlon, Dan & Thompson, Michael Protecting the Emotional Life of Boys
Raising Your Spirited Child Kurcinka, Mary Sheedy Parenting
Savage Inequalities Kozol, Jonathan Socially handicapped children
Secret of Childhood, The Montessori, Maria Early childhood
Sharing Nature With Children Cornell, Joseph Bharat Nature activities
Siblings Without Rivalry Faber, Adele & Mazlish, Elaine Parenting, siblings
Six Stages of Parenthood, The Galinsky, Ellen Parenting
Sometimes a Shining Moment Wigginton, Eliot High School, foxfire
Teaching as a Lively Art Spock, Marjorie Education, Waldorf
The Hand Wilson, Frank R. How its use shapes the brain, language, and human culture
To Educate the Human Potential Montessori, Maria Education
Under the Eye of the Clock Nolan, Christopher Autobiography, special needs
Unconditional Parenting Kohn, Alfie Redirects us to look at what children really need
Understanding Montessori Schmidt, Maren Intro to Montessori
Unplug the Christmas Machine Robinson, J. & Staeheli, J. Christmas, family life
What Does It Mean To Be Well Educated Kohn, Alfie Focuses on the real goals of schooling — a topic that we systematically ignore
When Parents Love Too Much Ashner, Laurie & Meyerson, M. Parenting
Who’s Calling the Shots Carlsson-Paige, N. & Levin, D. Parenting, war toys
Why Your Child is Hyperactive Feingold, Ben F. MD Hyperkinesia, food additives
Wishes, Lies, and Dreams Koch, Kenneth Writing, poetry


Montessori: The Science Behind the Genius Lillard, Angeline Stoll Great intro to Montessori and its correlation to current scientific research
Edison’s Day NAMTA 20-month-old Edison as he discovers the everyday activities in the home

NAMTA Publications

Parent Booklets AUTHOR
What is a Montessori Preschool? Kahn, David, Ed.
What is a Montessori Elementary? Kahn, David, Ed.
At Home with Montessori Oriti, Patricia
Child in Nature, The  
Discipline: Alder & Dreikurs  
Discipline: Meet Haim Ginott  
History of Childhood  
Home Environment, The  
Language, Literature and the Family  
Nurturing the Creative Personality  
On Sex Education  
Road to Discipine, The  
Sibling Relations  
Spiritual Side of Love, The  